Maximum prices for international calls and short text messages in the European Union

Regulation of prices for international calls and short text messages within the European Union becomes applicable as of 15 May 2019. After this date the retail prices for mobile and fixed calls from one country to another in the European Union should not exceed EUR 0.19/per minute. The price limit for a short text message within the Union will be EUR 0.06/per message.
The maximum prices in Bulgarian leva (incl. VAT) should not exceed BGN 0.445/per minute for calls and BGN 0.14/per message.
The price limits will be applicable to consumers’ tariffs – physical persons.
Service providers who will change their applicable prices to private customers should inform them for this circumstance by publishing information on their website and in the retail outlets, as well as in other appropriate way. The applicable prices should be indicated in the individual contracts which have been concluded with consumers.
More information can be found here.