Charging of calls to numbers of range “700”

By the last amendments to Ordinance No 1 of 22 July 2010, the Communications Regulation Commission set up a provision for the charging method of calls to numbers of range “700”, mainly used for contact with institutions, banks, trade companies.
The rates of these calls shall not be higher than the rates for a call to mobile or geographical numbers according to the end user’s subscription plan. The calls to “700” are included in the volume of the minutes determined according to the subscription plan. This charging method is also applied to the prepaid services.
The operators are obliged to inform the users appropriately that there is no additional charge for calls to numbers of range “700” and the rates for calls to mobile or geographic numbers are applied, according to the subscription plan or the applicable telephone service rate.
The provisions shall enter into force three months after the promulgation of the Ordinance’s amendment in the State Gazette and shall apply to contracts concluded after this period. In the same period, the operators should amend their tariffs and contracts with the new requirements.