By Decision No 497 of 23.11.2018 the Communications Regulation Commission (CRС) launched a public consultation procedure on a draft CRC Position on the implementation of the requirements of Art. 3 and Art. 4 of Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 by providers of Internet access to end-users
The purpose of the Position is to express the CRC’s understanding of the implementation of the requirements of the Regulation which are left to the regulator's discretion. This will contribute to a greater clarity, transparency and harmonization of terms under the contract with end users that Internet access providers are required to draw up in pursuance of the provisions of Art. 3 and Art. 4 of the Regulation.
In the course of the public consultation launched by Decision No 620 of 14.12.2017, reasoned opinions on the amendments to the draft CRC Position have been received at the Commision.
CRC considers appropriate to launch a new public consultation of interested parties aiming at achieving the Regulation’s objectives to the fullest possible extent. When giving opinions, the Тable of opinions received during the procedure launched by Decision No 620 of 14.12.2017 published under the "Public consultation" section should be taken into account.
The draft Position is published for discussion by stakeholders on CRC‘s website, under the "Public consultation" section.