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POSITION on the listing in contracts of the countries which belong to the different international groups






on the listing in contracts of the countries which belong to the different international groups


At its session held on 15.02.2018, the Communications Regulation Commission (CRC/ the commission) adopted the following position on the listing in contracts of the countries which belong to the different international groups:


Operators are not obliged to list in the contracts the countries which belong to the different international groups. Operators are obliged to ensure transparency of the conditions for carrying out international calls by including in the contracts the prices of calls to the different international groups and information about the groups to which the minutes included in the tariff plan apply (if the plan includes minutes for international calls).


Operators should ensure that accurate and detailed information about the countries included in different groups is provided through their websites, in the sales network/specialized retailers and through customer service centers. Customers’ special attention should be drawn in case of difference in the charging methods for international calls to mobile and to fixed networks.


CRC advises all customers to be informed in advance of the charging conditions for international calls to specific destinations of which they are interested.


The Commission again draws customers' attention to the difference between roaming calls and international calls. Detailed information is available on the CRC`s website under "For Consumers" section, "International Roaming" subsection.