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Annual reports on the activity on provision of electronic communications services and/or networks for 2016 submission reminder


      The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) kindly reminds the undertakings of their obligation to submit to the CRC annual reports on the activity on provision of electronic communications networks and/or services for 2016 until 1 March 2017. This obligation arises under Art. 5, para 1 of the General requirements for provision of public electronic communications.


      The template annual questionnaires for reporting and instructions on completing them have been published on the CRC's website:


      Undertakings which have not submitted annual reports on the activity on provision of electronic communications networks and/or services for 2016 until 1 March 2017 shall be liable to a fine. Apart from that fine, a procedure under Art. 78, para. 1 of the Law on Electronic Communications shall be conducted.