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The Communications Regulation Commission of Bulgaria by its Decisions No1962 and No1963 dated September 11, 2008 adopted a draft Decisions with annexes “Definition, analysis and assessment of the relevant market: 16” and “Definition, analysis and assessment of the relevant markets: 8 and 9”



The content of the item is available only in Bulgarian 




The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) by Decisions No 1962  and No 1963  dated 11.09.2008 adopted a Draft decision for definition of the relevant market of voice call termination on individual mobile networks, susceptible to ex ante regulation, analysis and assessment of existence of effective competition on the market, designation of SMP undertakings and imposition of obligations on those undertakings and a Draft  decision for definition of the relevant markets of call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location and call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location, susceptible to ex ante regulation, analysis and assessment of existence of effective competition on the markets, designation of  SMP undertakings and imposition of obligations on those undertakings.



Interested parties could provide opinions on the Drafts by October 20, 2008 at the following address:


Sofia, 6 Gourko str.

and on e-mail address: