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The Communications Regulation Commission invests in the qualification of its employees




The Communications Regulation Commission

invests in the qualification of its employees


The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) successfully concluded the project „Strengthening the administrative capacity of the Communications Regulation Commission” with the main goal of improving the efficiency and professionalism of its employees. This became clear from the concluding press conference which took place in the National Press Club of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA) on 18.06.2014. The project is financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme „Administrative Capacity” (ОPAC).


At the event the manager of the project – Mrs. Iskra Simeonova - presented all the results from the activities as well as the details about its implementation. Mr. Konstantin Tilev, Member of CRC, added the importance of the project activities for the development of the professional staff and thanked all his colleagues for the team work. During the press conference the participants – guests from institutions and media - intervened with opinions and questions. It was the common understanding that the investment in human resources brings invaluable benefit for the development of the institutions.


The activities were presented at the meeting, the main part of them being trainings from the catalog of the Institute of Public Administration on the following subjects:

І.        Management skills in the administration;

ІІ.       Human resources management;

ІІІ.      Effective communications in  public administration;

ІV.     Legal aspects and management of the administrative activity. Prevention and combating corruption;

V.      Financial and economic management;

VІ.     Е-government: establishing, skills;

VІІ.    Specialized foreign language training.


The financing of activities is 100% from the Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity" and the total sum amounts to 89 991 BGN. The activities took place during the last 12 months - since 10.07.2013 and this is actually the duration of the project itself.


For this period the CRC employees, which are the target group of the project, have completed 409 training courses of the Institute of Public Administration.


This is the second successful CRC project with this operational programme. The first one - „Extending the information system „Licensing and registers” has been declared “best practice” by OPAC. Through this project 39 electronic services are provided to the citizens and the business as part of the future e-government.